Hey people! This is my page where I can write about my life and stuff. I’ll try to update as often as I can and I will probably add more headings and more photos as I go along. 

Where I am right now! (ish)

I was in Victoria, we visited my aunt and uncle, saw the B.C. Lions festival(?) and explored downtown. And I saw a cute Vespa 🤭

Weekly Update

My aunt and uncle brought us to The Dutch Bakery, where we got lunch, which consisted of croquettes, hot meat pies and yam fries. 🤤
Then, we totally pigged out on desert. I got a mocha slice, which is pretty much buttercream with some cake in it, flavoured like mocha. It was so good! And so rich! I was almost sick.😅
Then we went to the beautiful stationary store and the boardwalk/harbour place, where I bought myself a pretty ring ☺️
Most recently, we were in Cowichan Bay, where my second cousins live, and we explored a bit with them, we went to Arbutus Park, which is on Cowichan Lake, and that was really fun. We went to a New Zealand style ice cream place, where they blend fruit into vanilla ice cream, or coconut, in my case. 🥛=🤢 It was super good.

Books I’m reading right now!

Shadow and Bone, my mom recommended it to me, I’m two chapters in, and so far so good. Very good story telling. Again, I haven’t read very far, but it’s definitely interesting.

New drawings

Pink and purple and pretty faces. This was fun to draw 😊

I think my theme here was a modern Rapunzel, so purple clothes and blonde hair.

Weekly Photo

A cute puzzle, with cats. I saw it at the Papery, the stationary store in Victoria.