Posts tagged with "kids"

08. September 2016
Have you ever had those parenting moments when it's been a long day (yes), the house is a mess (yes), you are dead tired (yes) and sick of all the drama the kids are raising (yes)? It feels like it's nearly every day. Those bittersweet hours at the end of the day are just the worst. Matt sometimes just puts his head in his hands and says "can't we just fast forward?". Amen. Last night was like that. We'd actually had a pretty good day (yay for swimming lessons!) and dinner went down without too...
29. August 2016
We've had a couple people, and even ourselves, wonder if this is the best time to take off on this adventure with our kids. "Don't you want to wait until they are older, and can remember more?" "Aren't they too much work at this age?" "They'll have more fun when they're older!" Yes to all of those things. We have thought those over, truly. But this timing does feel right for our kids' ages. We knew we didn't want to try this adventure when they were diaper age, or even toddler/naptime age. We...