Posts tagged with "July2016"

29. July 2016
So since we have now told our world that yes, we are planning on taking this big adventure, I should probably keep you updated on what I can. As of right now, there isn't a whole lot to report as we are still really in a big waiting period for the most part. Both Matt and I are afraid to get our hopes up as things can change really quickly at this point. Currently, we have an offer in on a boat in Antigua (yay!). I want to be super excited to get this ball rolling, but we haven't had a survey...
25. July 2016
So far this endeavour has been an exercise in trust and patience. We have a lot of unanswered questions and a lot of things on our "to-do" list that are vague and nebulous. We find it hard sometimes to be looking ahead when we still have so much holding us down. I got a text from Matt the other day saying something along the lines of "I'm feeling the weight of all of this and it's starting to feel like a lot to juggle". I know this is a "Matt-overfeeling" thing, which is not a bad thing at all....
20. July 2016
A lot of people might think that we are going on this nice big adventure so that we can chill on a beach for 8-10 hours a day and eventually come home with fresh perspective. As much as I'd like that to be true, I fear that there is going to be a lot of work before we get those sought after beach hours. We are starting to mentally prepare for that part, and the fact that it most likely won't be comfortable, will be filled with uncertainty and the outcome might not be what we had planned. But...
19. July 2016
One of the first questions we are asked after we say that we are going on our big adventure it the fall is "what are you going to do with your place?" We like to think we've thought through all the options: rent it sell it Look at all those options! We really tried to work out the renting option, as we understand that real estate is a good long term investment and as we've only been here for four years, it could be wise to keep it and cash in later. The thing is, that even though our mortgage...
03. July 2016
We dream! We wouldn't have started any of this adventuring if we first didn't get out there and dream. We saw cool places, did cool things and had cool ideas and let them grow. We plan! After we had a wild dream set in our hearts, we took steps we needed to get there. We made a seven year plan and immediately started taking itty bitty baby steps in that direction. We save! The worst (and best) part. I wish this part was easier. We are admittedly not very good with our money, so we had to be...
03. July 2016
Oh the reasons. So many reasons why. The biggest being, why NOT?! Some reasons behind deciding to do this trip are things like the pace of life of living in a city, the cost of living, the rush of it all. Our spirits feel like they need a rest from the mayhem. A proper rest, not just a three week holiday. We need more time. Lots more time. Right now, our bodies are strong, and our worries are relatively few. We've had nightmares of waking up and being 70 years old and realizing it was too late...
03. July 2016
This dream came to be a long time ago. We took a trip to the Caribbean in January 2011, and very soon realized that this sailing lifestyle was something that called to us both. We came home, with a meagre tan, and started making a plan. We figured we could make a seven year plan to get our butts back to the Caribbean for a lifestyle change. Meaning, a big change, not just another holiday. We wanted more! We also came home with a little stowaway, in my womb. Digory was born in October of that...
03. July 2016
This was never how we had things planned out, but this is the general route we took on our year long adventure trip. Looking at it now, it really doesn't look like much, but man: we felt every single kilometre some days. It was all worth it in the end - big adventures always are.
03. July 2016
This dream came to be a long time ago. We took a trip to the Caribbean in January 2011, and very soon realized that this sailing lifestyle was something that called to us both. We came home, with a meagre tan, and started making a plan. We figured we could make a seven year plan to get our butts back to the Caribbean for a lifestyle change. Meaning, a big change, not just another holiday. We wanted more! We also came home with a little stowaway, in my womb. Digory was born in October of that...